The weather has been a tedious bore, not often mentioned but ever present. It's supposed to be summer so the blog has a new background. Hope it brings you some sunshine.
Monday saw Jaimin making the most of the Paslode and the summer daylight hours, getting 90% of the sarking completed.
Tuesday he was joined (again) by the up beat James, who finished off the sarking (he just wanted to play with the nail gun) while Jaimin chatted a few things over with a local joiner. This was the first joiner to visit site and he seemed suitably accepting of the work... he is going to price for the staircase.
Once said joiner had been mined of knowledge, James & Jaimin had to build up the wall head on the north side with some mortar, to enable a straight line along which a "bell-effect" sarking board can be applied by nailing it to the lowest currently installed board, which will help to kick the slates slightly horizontal. To enable this, the next step will be finishing off the wall head, installing the gutter brackets, then the strip of "bell" sarking and finally the membrane.
Jaimin also installed the lean to gutter brackets and then thought to nail in some nail plates with twist nails to join the lowest 3 boards together. The weight of snow could rip off the gutters, with their brackets and the lowest board, since the lowest board's nails didn't have much rafter to bite in to. With 3 strips of board together this should be much stronger.
The inside now looks more like something you can imagine being a dwelling.
Monday saw Jaimin making the most of the Paslode and the summer daylight hours, getting 90% of the sarking completed.
Tuesday he was joined (again) by the up beat James, who finished off the sarking (he just wanted to play with the nail gun) while Jaimin chatted a few things over with a local joiner. This was the first joiner to visit site and he seemed suitably accepting of the work... he is going to price for the staircase.

Jaimin also installed the lean to gutter brackets and then thought to nail in some nail plates with twist nails to join the lowest 3 boards together. The weight of snow could rip off the gutters, with their brackets and the lowest board, since the lowest board's nails didn't have much rafter to bite in to. With 3 strips of board together this should be much stronger.
There is still a small piece of frame building/sarking to be done on the lean-to / main roof join, where we think we will create a valley to the gutter.
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